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发表于 2023-4-20 14:02
人 事
招聘人事专员 负责招聘工作应聘人员的预约,接待及面试。维护招聘平台整理求职者简历,以及公司内部员工档案的建立与管理。要求;女28岁以上,五官端正,办事沉稳细心 有良好的团队合作意识。上班时间 10;00到18;00. 工资面议 。电话;2029960424(Whatsapp同号) 微信;Tian1056789
Recruiting personnel specialist Responsible for recruiting job applicant's appointment, reception and interview. Maintain the recruitment platform to organize the resumes of job seekers, as well as the establishment and management of the company's internal staff file. Requirements: Female 28 years old or above, good features, calm and careful, good sense of teamwork. Working hours 10;00 to 18;00. Salary is negotiable. Phone; 2029960424 (Whatsapp with number) WeChat; Tian1056789